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Thursday, January 28, 2010

More thoughts on the State of the Union Address

I wanted to let things slow-cook in Washington today (1 day after the SOTU address) and see what rose to the top of the political 'crock' pot. Nancy Pelosi, House speaker and head Obama cheerleader, has informed the nation that the Health Care Bill WILL go through even if she has to 'parachute' it in...gee, I'm trying to get a picture of that in my mind...Nancy Pelosi in a parachute and a 2000 page Health Care Bill in hand landing in the House chamber. (?) On a serious note...they are seriously talking about leaving the Republicans out completely...and going the simple majority 'reconciliation' route. All this despite a poll today that says 61% of Americans do not want this bill. How is that for your representatives in congress REPRESENTING you, the American citizen. There were some other issues addressed in the speech that frankly, I found very disturbing. Here are just a few: 1. Re-institution of gays into the olive branch to his extreme left, I suppose. 2. Just a couple minutes of dialogue on the Iraq War theater of operations...all combat troops to be home by August...we shall see, nice to let our enemies know our time line...amateurish move, at best, Mr. Obama. 3. Now Obama is ready to drill off-shore, and explore for oil, gas, and coal...could it be that wind and solar power cannot begin to power the American economy and its thirst for fuel?? Oh...and now...after more than 20 years since the last plant was built, nuclear power is now a viable option...I say full speed ahead on that idea, Mr President...but I doubt your leftist power base will vote for actually contructing them. 4. What ab out the issue of immigration? 18 million illegals sucking the life-blood out of our economy...more coming everyday...and not a mention of this huge group of people that tax-paying, hard-working American men, and women, share their bounty with....could it be that they represent a huge amount of potential, future VOTES, and are therefor untouchable?? 5. Your admonishing of the highest court in the land over their recent decision to allow businesses and corporations to donate to political parties...what arrogance on your part, Mr Obama...maybe that Harvard law professor coming out?? 6. This has to be the best yet...a spending freeze...a what?? A SPENDING heard it right, a proposed spending freeze in congress...but wait...not until NEXT see, we haven't quite accomplished the complete destruction of our economy yet.

A few ending thoughts...climate change is for real...Obama said so. If you have an idea for cheaper insurance premiums, let him know. And finally, the President say we must get out of the habit of constantly 'being in campaign mode'...really...could you, would you, lead the way...because as you so eloquently stated last night: "America is distrustful of government" these days...wonder why?

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