You can make a difference!

You can make a difference!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

As I sit here this morning watching the different pundits spin the anticipated direction of President Obama's speech, I have this overwhelming premonition that this administration still does not 'get it'. Look, a lot of people find the President likable, but it is his policies, and the progressive ideas of those that surround him that a majority of Americans are finding difficult to swallow. The common man looks at the tax and spend orgy in Washington...then looks at his own finances...and long can this go on? The common man wants health care reform...but not at the expense of 1/6 of the American economy, and without fixing what is broke; tort issues, wasteful spending, medicare, and medicaid fraud. And while health care reform is being debated, millions of Americans are jobless...wondering when the huge stimulus bill will send relief their way. Many are wondering how you can vilify businesses, and business owners, and still expect them grow their companies, and hire new employees. And so I wait, Mr. President, in hopeful anticipation that your administration HAS felt the pulse of the majority of Americans and HAS decided to change course....we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Love It!!! You hit the nail right on the head....and I can't wait to kick back with a cup of coffee and my keyboard in front of me as I watch the State Address tonight. I'm sure that will give me plenty to write about!!!
